KH Lab Is PacificSun’s Take On The Alkalinity Controller

The KH Lab is the latest alkalinity controller to be revealed to the aquarium hobby, this time from PacificSun LED. PacificSun is throwing its hat into the ring with a fairly different take on what an alkalinity monitor as you’ll…

MACNA 2018 Will Be In Las Vegas For It’s 30th Year

MACNA, the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America, will be in Las Vegas Nevada, September 7th to the 9th. If our math serves us correctly this will be the 30th year for this now global conference of all things reef,…

Revisiting my Elos tank after 18 months

Sometimes we just aren’t as smart as we think we are. I am using the “royal we” as I know I am definitely not as smart as I think I am a lot of the tie, especially when it comes…

GNC AM366 panel LED Review

BY: Hugo Snell Introduction Six weeks ago, I purchased the GNC AM366 panel LED for my 45cm SPS cube.  I had been running an AI Hydra 26HD over the tank.  While I was getting good growth in some parts of…

Get Ready For Faster ICP Test Results From ICP Analysis

For a hobby that is guided by water quality, aquarium hobbyists have always sought the methods to analyze and manage the chemistry of living aquarium water. Basic water tests that can be performed at home are an important part of…

ReefStock Pulled Out All The Stops For Its 10th Year

          After having been to and spoken at virtually every reef show that has occurred in North America over the past 30 years I may be a bit jaded in terms of what I expect at a…

Safeguarding Your Aquarium With Redundant Design

Redundancy      We have all been admonished by the phrase at some point in our lives “Don’t be redundant. To most that simply means don’t say something twice. By definition it also means don’t exceed what is necessary or…

The NEW GNC Bluray LED Is A Thing Of Italian Beauty

What do you get when you combine 588 LEDs for 130 watts of lighting power into a svelte merger of aluminum and glass? I”ll give you a hint, it’s not an iPhone, but the newest high performance LED light from…

Using Trace Elements In Saltwater Aquariums

Trace Elements           There was an old commercial jingle that ended with “because little things mean a lot”. As we all know in this hobby that is a definite truism. Whether it is doing the little…

ICP Analysis Water Testing Service Launching Soon in America

Testing aquarium water with the use of ICP-OES machines is one of the biggest new trends in the marine aquarium world. There’s been plenty of talk of installing this kind of technology for the aquarium world in America, but ICP…