LiveAquaria offering completes the saga of the world’s first captive bred clarion angelfish

The first ever captive bred clarion angelfish is such a special fish, we’ve tracked it from the initial post larval successes, to its birthplace, and all around the world as this historic fish changed hands a number of times. The…

Fully grown Maze Angelfish is a stunning representation of this elusive species

No, this is not a still photo from the BlaireWitch project. The less than perfect picture quality of this stunning fish is totally forgivable since the subject happens to be the beautiful yet elusive Maze Angelfish. While the fish may…

Quality Marine brings aquacultured Clarion Angel to US market

The beautiful Clarion angelfish is coming to the US market thanks to Quality Marine getting ahold of aquacultured specimens from Bali Aquarich. The Bali Aquarich team raised the fish to a size where they would be hardy enough for shipping…

Score One for Sustainability: Clarion Angelfish Aquacultured

Here at Saltwater Smarts, promoting sustainability in the saltwater-aquarium hobby is a major component of our mission. In keeping with that objective, we encourage hobbyists to choose captive-bred fishes and invertebrates over wild-caught specimens whenever possible. Captive-bred fishes have much…

DaVinci clownfish are a curvy-barred form of the Snowflake clownfish strain

The DaVinci clownfish is a newly announced strain of Amphiprion ocellaris from Sea & Reef Aquaculture. Sometimes Sea & Reef is dropping names for clownfish strains that have been produced for years, even if their operation “refined” them, but the DaVinci clownish is…

2012 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review

As has become a tradition, it’s time again for a look back at the past year’s advances in marine fish breeding with our annual Marine Breeder’s Year In Review.  (see 2010, and 2011 Part 1, and 2011 Part 2, for…

Tank bred Annularis Angelfish have become a routine LiveAquaria offering

Tank-Bred Annularis Angelifsh to become a staple offering – courtesy of We reported on the new availability of captive-bred Annularis  Angelfish (Pomacanthus annularis) earlier this year, and as of mid December, LiveAquaria Director Kevin Kohen told us that a…

Most popular stories last week

July 10th– July 16th The beauty of unintended good planning 2nd annual Caribbean reef aquarium conference goes down in Puerto Rico First crop of Lightning Maroon clownfish offspring get a closer inspection Captive bred annularis angelfish from Bali Aquarich are…

Most popular stories last week

April 3– April 10th Bali Aquarich leaks sneak peek of Picasso Sebae Clownfish Quality Marine’s new “Collector Series” fish Jimmy Ma’s incredible Koi Coral Beauty angelfish gets a much needed update Blau LuminaLED coming this summer Lytro light field trip…

Part 2 of a 2011 Marine Breeder’s Year In Review

The first installment of our 2011 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review was probably more breeding news than you thought could have happened in a single year.  Suprisingly invertebrates, new breeding products, and clownfish releases like the one pictured above only…