Urocaridella degravei, A New Species of Arrow Cleaner Shrimp

There’s an incredible diversity of tropical shrimps that live on coral reefs and a whole suite of them perform cleaning services for reef fish. We’re all very familiar with the common red line cleaner shrimp, Lysmata amboinensis but there’s a group…

There’s A Whole Lot Going On At Biota Palau (Video)

Several years in and Biota Palau, together with its distribution arm Biota Aquariums, is quickly becoming one of the most progressive aquaculture enterprises in the aquarium hobby. Bringing us desirable captive bred fish such as Coral Beauty angelfish, mandarin dragonets,…

My Favorite Corals: Toxic Green Acropora florida

In the world of aquarium stony corals, the ‘Bali Green Slimer’ has been the king of green SPS for more than twenty years, since the mid nineties. This particularly tenacious strain of green Acropora yongei is so prolific that it even…

Parapercis altipinnis, a new Sandperch Species Was Discovered in a Fish Store!

Parapercis altipinnis is a new species of sandperch which has the potential to become a popular aquarium fish. Unlike many sandperch species which are long bodied with capacious mouths, the new sandperch is short with a bright red eye and…

Top 10 Unknown Azoox Corals

The American reef aquarium hobby is always looking for the latest and greatest new strain of corals to grow and exalt. Strains of very familiar corals like the Homewrecker Acro and Kun Pao Monti may turn some heads and have…

Blue Skeleton Majestic Angelfish Is Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen!

Every now and then a very special reef fish that we’ll never forget pops up on our rare fish radar, and the ‘Blue Skeleton’ Majestic Angelfish is such an example. This sensational specimen of Pomacanthus navarchus made its way to East…

Crazy Hybrid Clown Triggerfish Shows Up In Hawaii (Where They Don’t Occur)

Hawaii is known to be home to many a crazy awesome reef fish, but clown triggerfish are not one of them. So you can imagine the surprise of divers in Maui when they came across this wild looking triggerfish which…

Sea Gypsies and Scuba Diving in Sumbawa Indonesia
The Island of Sumbawa Ever since I was young I wanted to see a Sea Gypsy village. For generations the Bajau people have been living a seafaring life traveling around the waters of Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Borneo, some not…
Dramatic Acropora Color Change Sighted At Reef Raft Canada

We know that corals can change colors, some times pretty radically from how they are first imported. However one recent account from Reef Raft Canada takes the cake for a complete spectral makeover.  An unremarkable yet good looking colony of Acropora latistella arrived…

Amblygobius cheraphilus & A. calvatus, Two Cute New Goby Species

Amblygobius cheraphilus and A. calvatus are two new species of cute small gobies, and we’re just glad to see some new goby species that aren’t Eviota or Trimma. Closely related to our beloved aquarium favorites the Hector’s, Rainford’s and Link gobies, the…