Pomacentrus vatosoa: Corazon’s Damselfish get Official Description

Corazon’s damselfish is a brilliant new species of damselfish that was discovered just last year has already been treated to an official description. This little treasure of a reef fish from Madagascar has been bestowed the latin name of Pomacentrus…

Chromis tingting, a New Species of Damselfish from Japan

Chromis tingting is a brand new species of damselfish described from Japan by Lemon TYK and Anthony Gill. Hailing from Japan’s famous Sagami Bay, the new Ting Ting damselfish has been confounded with similarly colored Chromis like C. mirationis with which…

Never Before Seen Damselfish Collected in Madagascar by Blue Ocean SARL

When new species of damselfish or small gobies are described, sometimes the differences can be so minute that you really have to analyze the fish in question. This new mostly white damselfish is so wildly different in appearance that there’s…

Chrysiptera uswanasi, the Newest Species of Damselfish from Papua

Chrysiptera uswanasi is yet another new species of damselfish from the island of Papua, Indonesia. Uswana’s damselfish is the seventh member of the very similar looking cluster of species in the C. oxycephala complex.  Other recently described damselfish from the…

Chromis anadema is the newest species of Damselfish from Japan & W. Pacific

Chromis anadema is the kind of discovery that happens when researchers take a closer look at an other wise common group of fishes. In this case, a new investigation into the paletail chromis, C. xanhura revealed a new species with…

Yellow Eyed Damselfish Is The Newest Species From Fiji & Tonga

Damselfish are some of the most prominent fish of many different marine habitats, and today we get to celebrate one more new species. Sometimes the species look very similar in appearance but Pomacentrus flavioculus has just been recognized from reefs…

Chrysiptera burtjonesi Is A Gorgeous New Damselfish From The Solomon Islands

Chrysiptera burtjonesi is a beautiful new species of damselfish which has just been described from the Solomon Islands. This damselfish is very special to me because as recently as a couple years ago I saw this fish in many habitats…

Young Purple Chromis albomaculata Are Deepwater Darlings

When fish collectors venture into new regions and show us fish that we’ve never seen before, it’s easy to get excited at the potential of some of these specimens being new species. Alas, ichthyologists have been hard at work for…

New Damselfish Species Cares For Offspring Like A Cichlid!

Altrichthys alelia is a newly described species of damselfish from the Philippines with a curious behavior that is more like freshwater fish than one living on a reef. You could be forgiven for mistaking Alelia’s damselfish for a weird-shaped green…

Rare Dascyllus Damselfish Hybrid Sighted at GBR

We know that we kind of have a thing for hybrid marine fish but today’s Damselfish hybrid is very special. Surely it isn’t the first hybrid damselfish ever but it is the first Dascyllus or ‘Humbug’ damselfish hybrid that we’ve…