
Rare video of sponges spawning

Divers off Palm Beach caught a rare glimpse of an underwater spectacle not often seen on tape. Susan Gardner shot video of barrel sponges spawning on the Breakers Reefs just off the…

With a Little Help from Their Friends…

The effects of climate change on the world’s oceans have not been kind to coral reefs. Facing a range of threats from multiple fronts, including a diverse array of predators, pathogens and people and, now, the looming specter of rising…

New Sea Anemone found in belly of whale

A new species of sea anemone has been found in the carcass of a whale that sunk to the ocean floor off the coast of Monterey, California, marking the first discovery of one of these filter-feeding marine animals living in…

The #1 Cause of death for saltwater fish and reef corals is…

I recently read an article about how Doctors are the third leading cause of death for humans. Which if you think about that for a second is astounding. No a car accident won’t kill you but your family doctor will.…

Mother beat shark with camera

A WOMAN who was attacked by a shark on a West Australian reef says all she could think of was beating it off before it could savage her teenage son wading alongside or the three-year-old on her hip. Mother-of-five Becky…

Coral Reef Conservation Amendments Act of 2007

President Bush seems to have decided that he stands a better chance of history remembering him favorably for marine conservation rather than nation-building in Iraq or human rights in Guantanamo Bay. First he designated the world’s largest marine protected area,…

Heat can be a problem in Marine Aquariums

One key to having success in the marine aquarium hobby is stability within the aquarium, including a stable temperature. There are many factors that can cause temperature changes in the tank and just as many ways to help control these.…

Worlds Largest Acrylic Window at the okinawa churaumi aquarium

This is the worlds largest acrylic window loacted at the okinawa churaumi aquarium. This is huge! But if you notice the sharks behind the window, those are huge to compared to the people. Whoa!

Controlling Problem Algae in the Reef Aquarium

Mike Paletta is the author of The New Marine Aquarium and Ultimate Marine Aquariums. He has been in the hobby for over 15 years and has written numerous articles for Aquarium Fish Magazine, Tropical Fish Hobbyist and Aquarium Frontiers. After…

Top Marine Predator: Shark versus Octopus

Giant octypuss vs shark This video, courtesy of the Seattle Aquarium, shows what happened after the keepers moved a giant octopus into an aquarium containing five-foot sharks. In short; octopus and sharks do not get along with each other [2:02]

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