Caribbean Coral Spawn Underway

Caribbean Coral Spawn Reports have been rolling in this week from around the Caribbean, as the annual coral spawn is in full swing. From Florida to Curaçao corals are coming to life after dark to spawn and repopulate the reef.…

Mola ramsayi: the Short Sunfish from Nusa Penida, Indonesia

The Sunfish or “mola mola”, is one of those holy grail sightings which is sure to leave any diver in awe. Sunfish are notoriously elusive and are typically found living in open water, where they hunt for food in several…

Radion G4 LED Light Will Have Unspecified ‘Additional Control Functionality’

Ecotech Marine has formally taken the wraps off its next flagship LED aquarium light and we couldn’t be any more excited for the fourth-generation Radion. From the radically improved lenses, to the additional colors, increased power, and extra control channels, there’s…

First Video Of Coral Bleaching Behavior

For the first time coral researchers in Brisbane, Australia have recorded a time-lapse video of coral bleaching behavior. To capture the video researchers took a photograph every 3 seconds using a combination of digital camera, smart tablet and microscopes to record…

Video shows the effects of coral bleaching in Bali Indonesia

This summer there has been no shortage of coral bleaching stories in the news. However, this video of coral bleaching in Bali Indonesia hits home as we visited the same reef at Menjangan Island December 2015. This video posted by…

The Hottest Corals of 2006

Not to make you feel old, but ten years ago was when Nintendo brought out the Wii, and Pluto was still a planet. Yeah I can’t believe they did that to Mickey Mouse’s dog either. The first one billionth song was…

As betta popularity grows, how will it impact the saltwater hobby?

Walking into a large pet store, you might find that lowly endcap of freshwater betta fish has now expanded with entire aisle of shelves dedicated to the Siamese fighting fish. The rising popularity of keeping this fish is fueling the…

First video of coral bioluminescence in the deep sea

For the first time in history, deep-sea coral bioluminescence has been recorded in full-color HD video. The hypnotic video was captured in the deep sea off the coast of Oahu Hawaii and is a collaboration with Deep Ocean Exploration and Research (DOER)…

Captive Bred Mandarin Goby from Biota Aquariums

The mandarin goby is one of the most popular marine aquarium fish, unfortunately it is not the easiest fish to keep, and definitely not recommended for beginners. One way to make the iconic dragonet more accessible is to offer them…

Freckled Hawkfish: A Hardy, Hefty Option for the Rough-and-Tumble Tank

When it comes to keeping hawkfishes in aquaria, one of the more common admonitions is to avoid housing these predators with fish or crustaceans small enough to swallow. For most of the hawkfish species that grace our tanks, which generally…