Estimates Place Half a TRILLION Corals in the Pacific Ocean

We’ve all heard that coral reefs are at risk of extinction due to a number of factors and exacerbated by climate change and coral bleaching. Aerial views of endless reefs of bleached corals sure does make for a poignant illustration…

Blue Zing Birdnest is a Unique Cross of Popular Seriatopora Strains

For the past forty or so years all ‘new’ coral strains introduced to the reef aquarium hobby have only come from the wild, mostly due to the fact that successful sexual reproduction is quite rare in aquarium corals. This assessment…

We’re in Love with the Battle Brush from Battle Corals

We wouldn’t say we’re fanatical about keeping our tanks clean and about the tools to keep them that way but it’s pretty close. That’s why we were pleasantly surprised when our latest order of good classic Acropora corals from Battle…

Is a ‘Pest Free Guarantee’ Too Much to Ask for in Corals & Frags?

It’s not a stretch to say that the coral aquarium hobby is a fairly mature past time with more than a few decades of experience and refinement. After more than twenty years of intensive culture we have access to a…

Are Reefers Ready for the Immortal Tort?

The Immortal Tort is a unique strain of Acropora that is part of one of the most interesting origin stories of perhaps any coral in the reef aquarium hobby. As far as we know the image above is one of…

Corals & Clams Can Only Look Blue Under Daylight Spectrum

I love blue light, you love blue light, we all love blue lights over our aquarium corals, especially all the different shades of blue LEDs that help bring out the fluorescent colors of our favorite coral strains. However with more and…

The Bali Aquarium Armageddon Tenuis is just mind blowing!

For quite a few years now, the ‘Homewrecker’ Acropora tenuis has been high on the wish list of many reefers. We thought it will be difficult to beat that one, and take years before we would see any other tenuis…

Walking Around the Mangrove Lagoon at Worldwide Corals [Video]

The ‘mangrove lagoon’ aquarium concept is a widespread motif that many aquarists have aimed for, even we have a large, mangrove-dedicated aquarium of our own. Besides Julian Sprung’s actual outdoor Mangrove-ariums, the large shallow reef tank at the front of…

Reef Blizzard ZC, ZR, XC and LPS Foods Review

Reef Blizzard is Brightwell Aquatics’ range of coral foods that offer a wide selection of food types and particle sizes so reefers can fine tune their coral feeding regimen. Earlier this year Brightwell added four interesting new foods to the…

Updates and Lessons Learned From Our 90 Gallon Reef Tank

As the days get shorter heading into winter we’re even more excited to come home to a bright tropical reef tank. Earlier this year we picked up a seven-year-old 90gallon reef tank and all the hard work we’ve put in…