Reef Pro Complete AB – a Hobbyist Formulated 2-Part Solution

Two part solutions have been a mainstay of the reef aquarium hobby for generations of reef builders, and there are countless variations on providing an ionically ‘balanced’ pair of calcium and buffer additives. Many startup companies have created their own…

12 reasons why every reefkeeper should work in their LFS

If you’ve never worked in an aquarium store before, there are some great reasons why you should. It doesn’t haven’t to be on a full-time basis, it doesn’t even have to be paid work, but the experience that you’ll get…

Scientist Get One Step Closer to Tissue Cultured Corals

Tissue culture is not the same as cell culture, but the latter gets us one step closer to the former. If you’re not familiar with the concept, tissue culture is a form of cloning that is responsible for producing thousands…

Reef Tanks of Instagram are Beauty Magazines all over again

“Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.” These iconic words appeared in the “Wear Sunscreen” address given to graduates in 1997 by Mary Schmich of the Chicago Tribune and were later popularised by Australian film…

Gobiodon howsoni, a New Species of Clown Goby from Australia

Gobiodon howsoni is a new species of clown goby just described from the Rowley Shoals of northwestern Australia. The new coral-dwelling goby  is as small as other similar species of Gobiodon growing to less than one inch long with the type…

Kessil A500X LED Review – Changing our Mind About Point Source Lighting

The Kessil A500X is a brand new reef aquarium light that is packed with more power than we’ve ever seen in a spotlight form factor. From their earliest days, Kessil has come to define what is possible with light-emitting diodes…

We Tanked our pH Using Automation, but the Fix is Simple

For the last few years we’ve been part of a cabal urging reefers to really push their aquarium pH ever higher to achieve robust stony coral growth. There are lots of little things you can do to elevate the pH…

The Stony Coral Jungle Reef Tank of Evan Montgomery

Evan Montgomery has been reefing for quite a while and during his time assisting at the Reef Builders Studio he’s sharpened his reef building skills even more. We’ve featured Mr.Montgomery’s reef tank a couple times over the years but this…

Kessil A500X Hands-On and Teardown

The Kessil A500X is the latest reef aquarium light from the company that has come to define high performance in multichip spotlight form factors. The power density of the 185 watt A500X is a new level of lighting concentration for…

Unboxing a New Coral Shipment from Jason Fox

Jason Fox is one of the most prolific progenitors of fun and unique coral strains in the aquarium hobby and we love comparing notes with him about our observations of corals on wild reefs. While Jason might be best known…