Top 5 New Critter & Coral Species of 2021

If there’s just one thing we really long to see every year it’s the description of new and unknown reef critters and especially corals. The prospect of learning about new and unknown coral species is particularly exciting, especially when the…

Bali Deepwater Acros Will Forever Be Our Favorite Exotic Corals

Coral fads and species hype comes and goes – Chalice corals had a nice long run, neat Favias were hot that one year, shrooms exploded onto the scene and are still going hot, and these days reefers rave over different…

Looking towards the Reptile Hobby for ‘Real’ UV Light

There’s been a lot of discussion around the role of ultraviolet light in reef tanks and the health of our corals, especially with the rise of LED lighting fixtures that are missing it. In the classical era of reef keeping…

Hybrid Reef Fish and Corals Are Much More Common Than We Knew

For over a decade we’ve been fascinated by hybrid marine life of all kinds and especially the ways that our beloved clownfish, angelfish, and many others turn out when their genetics get recombined in unexpected ways. While hybrid creatures may…

Revised Queensland Coral Exports Approved Until 2024

The Australian government has confirmed that hard coral export from the Great Barrier Reef can continue for another three years, albeit with several caveats. In a statement by the Wildlife Trade Regulation Section, a new approval for the Wildlife Trade…

First Captive Spawning of Homophyllia australis, the Australian ‘Scolie’

For the past ten years my work has been focused on successfully inducing coral spawning events in aquariums, but Homophyllia australis is a species that remained elusive to me despite four years of effort and commitment. The challenge of working…

Grafting Live Corals for Better Growth and Nicer Shapes

The biggest challenge in reef keeping is keeping the alchemy of light, flow, nutrients and chemistry stable for long enough that corals grow to an appreciable size. But once corals really take off, our favorite part of reefing is grooming and…

Is Cornerstone the New Standard in Artificial Branch Rock?

Branch shaped live rocks have long been the most popular aquascaping material for use in our beloved reef aquariums and it’s always been the hardest to find. The wild stuff is made by ginormous large colonies of branching staghorn Acropora…

We Can Only Dream of a Reef Tank Looking Like the Corals of Lizard Island

There’s no shortage of videos of wild ocean scenes, habitats and marinelife but these are almost exclusively of megafauna. If you want to see footage of sharks, dolphins, sea turtles or even more sharks, video hosting sites like YouTube have…

Abalones are Fascinating and Long Lived Aquarium Animals

Abalones are some of the coolest gastropods in the ocean, they are tasty, have beautiful shells, but they can also make for great reef aquarium animals. We simply love having them in several of our coral aquariums but there’s no…