Don’t Freak Out About Minimal Tissue Loss on SPS Corals

SPS corals like Montipora, Acropora and many others are some of the most diverse, colorful and interesting stony corals we can keep and grow in aquariums. Along with their fast growth and incomparable colors comes some risk because their fast…

Jalan Masuk, Scuba Diving Bunaken Wall Sulawesi

Being on land isn’t easy for scuba diving coral lovers like me, and we find ourselves digging through our photo archives, reminiscing about the lush coral reefs of Indonesia. Jalan Masuk is the name of one of my favorite dive…

Grafted Digitata: WWC Developing an Exciting New Coral Strain!

Grafted SPS coral strains, that is ones with an ‘infection’ of fluorescent proteins, are a very popular natural phenomenon that coral farmers work hard to develop in aquarium colonies. This bizarre occurrence is widespread and can be found in a…

The Shape of Corals is Linked to How they Feed

It’s been over 20 years since I started culturing corals in the ocean and in dedicated aquariums. I always believed that the shape of a corals was mainly determined by trying to expose as much surface to light while withstanding…

Simon’s Nature Preserve is an Ark of Coral Diversity [Video]

Around this time last year we shared with you some tantalizing stories from the Solomon Islands about forests of soft corals, feeding wild corals and restarting coral farming efforts where they began in Marau Sound. But in traditional Reef Builders…

Marine Aquarium Projects for Home-Bound Hobbyists

Here in Ohio, we just received the official order to stay at home in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19, and similar orders are being given all over the US and around the world. That means a whole…

Radion Gen 5 Blue & Pro, XR30 & XR15, the Definitive Review

The Radion Gen 5 LED lights are some of the most technologically advanced LED lighting fixtures ever offered to the reef aquarium hobby. If these Ecotech Marine lights had just come out of nowhere, we would be gobsmacked at their…

True Green Elkhorn Montipora Finally Discovered!

When it was first introduced in the early 2000s, the Elkhorn Montipora quickly became one of the fastest growing strains of aquarium corals. This coral grows so fast that within a few years it was no longer welcome in a…

Coral Carpets Turns Sand Zones to Live Coral Nurseries

Reef building stony corals are not picky about where they grow in tropical regions, but one prerequisite is having something to grow on. This limitation of sorts means that there’s huge areas of sand in between hard bottom where most corals…

RoboCoral: Turning a Pump Mover Into a Coral Mover

RoboCoral is the beginning of a project we’ve wanted to do work on for a very, very long time. As aquarists we work so hard to try and achieve total water flow in the aquarium, eliminating any dead zones of water…