Touring some Coral Eye Candy at ACI Aquaculture

There once was a time when wholesalers were not much more than middlemen, receiving shipments of livestock from all corners of the globe and passing their newly acquired marine animals to aquarium stores. Today a new breed of wholesalers are…

Maxspect Recurve LED Review: Ambitious and Versatility LED in Sleek Design

Maxspect has been known in global aquarium industry for its innovation and their creations are always accompanied with modern and daring design. Recurve LED, which was launched in late 2017, is no exception. This handsome LED fixture is packed with…

The First Official Statement on the Coral Ban from the Indonesian Fisheries Dept.

It’s been 3 weeks, since a new fisheries department minister was appointed in Indonesia. Under the former minister who was responsible for the ban, there’s hasn’t been any release of an official statement on the subject of the suspension of…

Corals are Migrating to Cooler Water, Shifting Towards the Poles

A recent publication from Yale university is highlighting the response of certain coral species to climate change. Observations are done on a daily basis in Japan, Australia, US east Coast, Hawaii… that an ‘unheralded ecological regeneration may be underway’ in…

Coral-Bacteria Communities are WAY More Important than Anyone Thought

Reading through different coral scientific publication, we came across one, that could be quite relevant for us reef aquarist. In this publication published in Nature, scientist from the Red Sea Research center, from the King Abdullah University of Science and…

Rare Tridacna squamosina Photographed by Diver in Kenya

Tridacna squamosina is one of the least known, and most recently recognized species of giant clams (sort of). A fresh new set of pictures taken by Dawn Goebbels while diving in Kenya  really showcases some nice examples of the rarely…

Coral Snorkeling, Murex Bangka Back Reef

Coral Snorkeling Murex Bangka Back Reef When visiting Bangka island, you don’t have to go far to experience world-class coral snorkeling. The coral reef behind Murex Bangka Resort has an impressive diversity of marine life which is easy to spot…

The Comprehensive Aquarium Heating Solution from Bulk Reef Supply

Bulk Reef Supply’s heaters and thermostats are a spanking new option to give demanding aquarists a comprehensive solution to both heating their aquarium water, and controlling it with precision and certainty. The Bulk Reef Supply Titanium heater and aquarium heater…

Opening Four Boxes of Cherry Picked, Australian Corals [Video]

If there’s one solid perk to the job of traveling the reefing world to seek out all the most important and interesting stories it’s getting to see a lot of corals. Whether it’s on the reef, at exporters, stores, and in…

Coral Reefs are Changing in Substantial Ways

A new publication in Nature brings a very interesting insight into the current evolution of coral reefs. In this new publication, scientists describe teturning to a location on the Great Barrier Reef, where, 91 years earlier, the pioneering GBR expedition…