My Corals are Dying: Why?

    Over the years I have been asked a lot of questions. Some have come and gone over time, like what is the best whatever or what fish or coral can I add to my tank. Some, however, have…

Seizing the Moment and Limiting Regrets

As I have discussed numerous times in these articles, this is a hobby of patience. That is, we need to be patient and wait for things to occur in order to be successful such as waiting frags to grow into…

Sunfire Grafted Cap Has Even Brighter Colored Polyps!

Grafted Corals, or ‘GFP Infections’ are among some of the most interesting and bizarre coral ‘strains’ available to us in the aquarium hobby. The phenomenon has been documented in a wide variety of corals, most often in small polyp stony…

Aquarium Glossary

The Aquarium glossary is part of the best reef tank guide from Reef Builders. Are you interested in starting a saltwater tank? This guide covers everything you need to know. Acclimation The process in which the water an organism comes…

Things That Scare Me About The Hobby

Boo and Happy Halloween. I am not really much of a Halloween person, I am much more into Christmas, but I understand how some people really get into it. In fact, I recently learned that humans are such an overwhelmingly…

Healthy Reefs Produce More Baby Corals

A recent study from Curaçao has shown that healthy coral populations can produce up to 200 times more juvenile corals than degraded coral populations. Researchers found that healthy corals had a higher percentage of successful parents which produced up to…

‘Coral Spotting’ Is The New Trend In Tropical Reef Diving

Coral Spotting is something that reef aquarists might do at the local fish store once or twice a week but believe it or not, divers in tropical locations have typically never bothered to learn the names of most corals. Most…

Cordelia Banks Is The Healthiest Caribbean Reef We’ve Ever Seen
Cordelia Bank Cordelia Bank is an extensive coral reef located on the southwest coast of Roatán Honduras. We had the opportunity to dive this protected area and can safely say this is the healthiest Caribbean staghorn reef we've ever seen. Covering 17km2…
Sanjay’s 500 Gallon Mega Reef Tank Video

In the American reef aquarium scene, the name Sanjay Joshi is synonymous with reefing knowledge, experience, and especially brightly lit reef tanks. Also known as ‘Photon Man’ to his inner circle, Sanjay is a down-home reefer just like the rest…

How To Program Your LED Lights For A Reef Tank

Back when we were just using T5s or metal halides, the ‘programming’ was only concerned with how long to run the lights of a given intensity. But now that we’ve got access to multiple channels of light, in various colors, it can…