Bad Things We Add to Our Tanks

     As St. Bernard wrote “The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions”. With the meaning of this is that we often do things with the best of intentions, but invariably they often lead to suffering. Unfortunately, this is…

Sanjay Joshi’s Nano Reef Tank Breaks All The Rules (Video)

Before going to Reefapalooza NY from Denver earlier this summer, you could say I took a slight detour to Maryland and then the State College Pennsylvania before heading to the big show. The reef aquarium circuit doesn’t seem to take me…

Get To Know Some Unique Corals You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

You could be hard pressed to see the difference between an Adonis and Hallucination Zoanthid, or between a Walt Disney and Homewrecker Acropora tenuis, but there’s no mistaking the Caribbean corals and their unique assortment of species.  It’s always been surprising to…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Scolymia lacera

Surprise! I’m a coral addict!! I hope I’m not overdoing it with my enthusiasm for corals, but it’s about to get a whole ‘nother level of fangirl for Scolymia lacera. If you’re like me, every time you get it the…

Revisiting my Elos tank after 18 months

Sometimes we just aren’t as smart as we think we are. I am using the “royal we” as I know I am definitely not as smart as I think I am a lot of the tie, especially when it comes…

100 Articles Of Reefing

100 Articles Of Reefing This past week I had to transfer a lot of material from a company computer to my personal computer. I had written a lot of the articles for ReefBuilders on that computer, so while I was…

Friday Smorgasbord: Drifting Plastics, GBR Value, Reef Rescue and Whales

This week’s Friday Smorgasbord has a conservation feel to it. We didn’t set out that way, but these compelling videos that captured our attention just set the theme. We first start with just where that plastic in our oceans ends…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Porites furcata

Porites furcata Porites furcata wasn’t a coral we paid much attention to until we came diving in Honduras. On it’s own a few lone branches of P. furcata (Branching Finger Coral) blends right into the reef. But once you see rolling…

A Selection of Purple Wild Acros From Papua New Guinea

Also when I told the locals about how many Acropora lokani were sighted on deeper reefs beginning around 60 feet, apparently everyone in the fisheries department knew this guy Paul Lokan after whom this coral is named. So it was…

Corals In New Caledonia Are Adapting To Future Ocean Conditions

Coral reefs around the world are suffering from the climate change, and as the oceans continue to warm and acidify the outlook isn’t pretty for our beloved corals. But researchers in New Caledonia have made an important discovery. The team…