Some Of My Favorite SPS Corals

When visitors come to see my tanks and realize that the tanks are full of live coral one of the questions I get frequently asked is “So what’s your favorite coral?” To me that is akin to asking me, who…

Unseen Corals – The Forbidden Beauty of Distichopora

Distichopora is such a beautiful animal, it’s a pity that we still haven’t cracked its captive care in home aquariums. Whether that’s due to this ‘coral’ not being a coral at all, or the fact that it’s non-photosynthetic probably has…

On This World Oceans Day, Let’s Try To Do More For Coral Reefs

The reef aquarium hobby is such a wonderful cultural movement, it’s transformed how generations of us see, think and feel about wild coral reefs. Without successful reef aquariums and all that we’ve learned about corals from them, ‘coral reefs’ would…

Birdnest Coral Shows Us How Reefs Might Recover From Massive Bleaching

With all the news that the Great Barrier Reef is dying, and has suffered very substantial damage and countless corals lost, it can be quite depressing to be a coral or reef lover. But if there’s one thing the media…

Tela Of Mystical Beauty

By Quentin Caussin  We went to Honduras because we heard about the legendary reef in Tela. And,  it turns out that it is far beyond our expectations. Detached from the second largest barrier reef in the world, here are coral…

360 VIDEO – You Won’t Believe This Crazy Elkhorn Coral Reef!

Elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata) is a flagship species in the Caribbean and an important reef building coral. Elkhorn can grow to several meters across and several colonies are able to grow and fuse together forming extensive fields. Unfortunately, this coral is…

Old Tank Syndrome Revisited

In the mid-1990’s I wrote an article about something I was experiencing in one of my tanks and which I had seen in a few other tanks and dubbed it “Old Tank Syndrome”. This is actually kind of funny now,…

The Dallas Acro, Australia’s Version of the Green Slimer

I recently visited Australia and went on a whirlwind tour that was chronicled in a slew of videos on our YouTube channel. One of the cool things about visiting new places and new countries, is getting to see a lot…

Five Ways To Go Beyond The Basics Of Aquarium Lighting

I can clearly remember a time when understanding light on our aquariums was more like trying to wrap your head around alchemy than actual science. We discussed light in number of tubes, watts per gallons, and trichromatic, actinic and daylight…

Ecotech Marine Products And Service Over The Years

     Over the years we have been fortunate in seeing innovation after innovation come to the hobby. Initially, most of these innovations came from Europe, which due to their being in the hobby longer undoubtedly accounted for their innovations…