Living the Reef Life Part Two

Recently I have tried to go back in time and enjoy one of the aspects of hobby that I really miss: the road trip. As I discussed in an article last year, one of the things that the internet has…

Why Don’t Scuba Divers Care About Corals?

Corals and Scuba Diving If you follow you know we love corals. We write about them and encourage divers to take a closer look at the reef. But we often wonder why scuba divers spend their time looking for…

Saint Patrick’s Snake Polyps Are The Craziest Zoanthids Ever!

Just in time for St. Patrick’s day, we’ve come across a fantastic colony of snake polyps that totally knocked our socks off. These wildly colored orange and green Isaurus snake polyps are unlike anything we’ve ever seen before, despite being a…

ReefStock Pulled Out All The Stops For Its 10th Year

          After having been to and spoken at virtually every reef show that has occurred in North America over the past 30 years I may be a bit jaded in terms of what I expect at a…

Sea Gypsies and Scuba Diving in Sumbawa Indonesia
The Island of Sumbawa Ever since I was young I wanted to see a Sea Gypsy village. For generations the Bajau people have been living a seafaring life traveling around the waters of Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Borneo, some not…
Caribbean Coral Diaries – Porites astreoides

The Coral Diaries series is a list of corals we have seen while diving around the world. We’ve created this series so that you can learn more about corals, and how to identify them on the reef. We encourage you…

Milestones & Pioneers of The Reef Aquarium Hobby

Between the inauguration last week and Martin Luther King Day, you could not turn on anything without hearing the phrase “Events that shaped history”. That got me to thinking about the events that shaped the reef aquarium hobby. While I…

AirBuddy Is A Personal Compressor For Shallow Dives

AirBuddy AirBuddy is a compact a tankless diving system that was first introduced in 2016. The AirBuddy offers 45 minutes of diving time at a depth of up to 12 meters (40 ft) and eliminates the need for a traditional scuba…

Top 10 Reef Divers Stories From 2016

Top 10 Stories of 2016 2016 has been a fantastic year for us, we started Reef Divers in March 2016 to share our passion for scuba diving and the marine environment with the world. Thank you to all our supporters,…

My Memories of Aquariums and Christmas

Christmas is probably the one holiday that makes many of us most feel nostalgic, it often makes us think of how things were in the past and at least in my case how simple life was and maybe better. As…