A Visit to The Horniman Museum and Gardens

During the early days of the hobby there was sort of a barrier that existed between hobbyists, public aquarists and researchers that only some individuals like Bruce Carlson crossed. As a result, at MACNA V in 1993 in Toronto, many…

So Many Azoox Stony Corals in a Single Shallow Reef Cave

Our aquarium life is all but dominated by photosynthetic corals and to be fair, the brightly lit aquariums they require is part of the appeal. But there’s a whole wide world of cool and unusual corals growing literally in the shadows,…

Wild Photos of Montipora verruculosus and Related Species

Montipora is an amazing group of stony corals which is second only to Acropora in terms of species number and general abundance. Where Acros are differentiated based mostly on the branching shape and corallite structure, Montipora went a different direction instead opting…

Top 5 Beginner Saltwater Fish For A Nano Aquarium

Top 5 Beginner Saltwater Fish For A Nano Aquarium Nano aquariums are a popular choice for anyone who is just getting started keeping  a saltwater aquarium and are not quite sure if they want to dive deep into the hobby.…

World Wide Corals is The Disneyland of Coral Frags

Everyone has seen the scene in a Western movie where the gunslinger walks into the dark saloon and the light from outside is so blinding that no one can really make him out. This week I had a similar experience,…

Some Simple Ways to Help your Corals Thrive

Corals may seem helpless at times when there is algae growing around them or they are spreading their tentacles at night in search of food. After all, it seems like reefers are always elbows deep in their tanks feeding, trimming,…

Coral Reefs in the 21st Century: Reasons to Hope and to Despair

International Aquarium Congress | Day 3 We’ve all heard the doom and gloom reports of dying, degraded, bleached reefs, but is the situation really that bad? Dr. James Guest gave a keynote address to Congress delegates to discuss reasons for…

Kung Pao Monti is the Ultimate Strain of Montipora palawanensis

Montipora palawanensis is a species of Monti that has been in our reef tanks for quite some time. However in recent years we’ve seen a huge uptick in the number of strains of this coral, especially coming out of Indonesia. Of…

Where the Big Corals Are: The Tank of Martin Lakin

A couple of months ago I wrote a piece asking where all the big corals went. Well on my recent speaking trip to England, I found them. In the tank of my friend Martin Lakin I was amazed to see…

Benefits to Using a Refractometer versus a Hydrometer

After temperature, Salinity is the most important measurement of seawater you can make for your tank.  Therefore, refractometers and hydrometers are the most used tool in the hobby, or at least they should be. Both hypersaline and hypo saline environments make unsuitable…