Mote and Nature Conservancy to Restore One Million Corals in the Caribbean and Florida Keys

Mote Marine Laboratory and The Nature Conservancy are teaming up to restore coral reefs at unprecedented scales throughout the Caribbean and the Florida Keys. The collaboration officially began Sept. 12, 2016 in Miami, with the signing of a one-year memorandum…

Jumpstarting a reef tank after a long break

With Labor Day fast approaching, vacations winding down and the kids going back to school, it’s a sure sign that the end of summer is upon us. And with Fall and the colder weather, many of us start spending more time with…

The Deep Dive on Reef Aquarium Lighting, Part 1: Zooxanthellae, Color Temperature, and Light Intensity

Lighting is important because it directly affects how we visually enjoy the hobby and, more importantly, the vast majority of the corals in our tanks are photosynthetic. In this two-part article, we will first cover some of the basics of…

Incredible video of Staghorn coral spawning

Each year, researchers from all over the world come together in August in coral nurseries off the coast of Florida to witness one of the most stunning events in nature, coral spawning. This multi-institutional task force meets every year to help the…

High Definition Time Lapse Can Actually Demonstrate Coral Behavior

Behavior is one aspect of biology which is hard to document in our slow moving corals. Over the decades we aquarists have learned a lot about what our corals do and how they behave over long periods of time, but…

The Hottest Corals of 2006

Not to make you feel old, but ten years ago was when Nintendo brought out the Wii, and Pluto was still a planet. Yeah I can’t believe they did that to Mickey Mouse’s dog either. The first one billionth song was…

The Hottest Corals of 1996

1996 was an interesting year for a number of reasons as it was the year that Dolly the sheep was cloned, DVDs were launched and my Steelers lost to the dreaded Cowboys. There were no digital cameras, nor smartphones, and…

The Pink Cadillac Acro Looks Great at Any Size

The Pink Cadillac Acropora is a strain of SPS coral from Reef Raft Canada that we recently had the pleasure of seeing in person at a mature size. We’ve seen frags and pictures of this coral for many years now…

How to keep the aquarium hobby fresh and exciting

From time to time one of my friends will comment about how they find it amazing that I still seem to have the same level of excitement about my tanks and the hobby as I did when they first met…

Project Coral Update: Impressive coloration, growth at 7 months

Its hard to believe its has been 7 months since Project Coral completed its groundbreaking in-vitro fetilization of captive coral at UK’s Horniman Museum and Gardens. We have seen a snapshot of the growth they are getting on some of Acropora tenuis and…