Care Requirements for Non-photosynthetic (NPS) Corals

Non photosynthetic corals (NPS) are some of the most unique corals you will ever see. They have the most odd shapes, textures, and cryptic behaviors. Their other name, azooxanthelle, suggests that their zooxanthelle is absent. However, studies have found that…

How Can A Protein Skimmer Improve Your Aquarium Maintenance?

Protein skimmers are the quintessential component of aquarium filtration that almost every reefer has in their sump. It is possible to be successful without one but controlling the amount organic nutrients makes aquarium maintenance much easier. Protein skimming is when…

Get Inspired By This Forest Of Soft Corals in Raja Ampat

Besides Zoanthids and the new wave of shrooms, the aquarium hobby is ruled by our love for stony corals. But soft corals are an important part of the reef environment, sometimes becoming so dominant that they form veritable forests of softly swaying…

Choosing What To Keep In A Saltwater Aquarium

What To Keep There are many interesting animals which can be kept in a saltwater aquarium. What to keep depends on your experience level, tank size, and equipment setup. Make a wishlist of fish and corals you would like to…

How to Care for SPS Corals

SPS corals are mesmerizing animals that we easily become addicted to. The pursuit to constantly challenge our reefkeeping abilities keeps us wanting a more difficult SPS coral. We love the unique growth of SPS corals, their colors, and the fact that they are fairly…

The Amazing Reef Tanks of Italy

As I have mentioned numerous times in the past, I consider myself to be a lucky person. And one of the ways this luck has manifested itself, is that I have been fortunate to get to see one of my…

Recent trip to Japan Part 1: Visiting Aqua Gift in Osaka prefecture

Recently my family and I traveled to Japan to see our parents, but at the same time I had opportunities to visit two aquarium shops in Japan.  One of them is Aqua Gift in Osaka prefecture and other one is…

Coral Restoration Foundation Awarded $2.1 Million From NOAA

CORAL RESTORATION IN FLORIDA Coral reefs along the Florida coastline just received a considerable boost from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Coral Restoration Foundation, the world’s largest reef restoration program has been awarded $2.1 million in funding…

How to Frag SPS Corals

Sps (small polyp stony) especially Acropora, have consistently been among the hottest corals in the aquarium hobby for the last twenty years. They are most likely the easiest coral to frag; that being said, they are some of the most…

Spectacular Reef Tank of José Elias Castro in the Dominican Republic
This jam-packed reef tank comes to us from José Elias Castro in the Dominican Republic. This 400 gallon tank is stocked with over 60 fish and just about every coral you could wish for. For water movement, Elias uses a VorTech…