Stylophora: Achieve that SPS Aesthetic with Less-Demanding Corals

Stylophora are branching small-polyp stony corals from the Family Pocilloporidae. Stylophora shares that family with Pocillopora and Seriatopora, and the three together are the only genera in the family. As a result of their close relationship to one another, all…

An overview of Reefapalooza New York 2016

Nothing is worse than being invited to a great party and not being able to attend. If you did not go to this year’s Reefapalooza in New York, that is definitely the case. Since I know you already feel bad…

Finding Dory Review: An Aquarist’s Point of View

The long awaited sequel to Disney’s Finding Nemo movie, Finding Dory, finally hit theaters this past weekend and I was thrilled to attend the film on opening weekend. Finding Dory’s producers marketed the heck out of this movie for at least a…

CORALPALOOZA, An Annual Event To Save Coral Reefs

To help ring in World Oceans Day, the Coral Restoration Foundation hosted their second annual reef restoration event, CORALPALOOZA. The international event took place on June 4th spanning 11 reefs in South Florida, and the Caribbean Islands of Bonaire and Curaçao. Over…

The Coral Name Game

It’s all in the name. The name says it all. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. We have all heard countless phrases that extol the importance of a name. Last names like Miller or Baker referred…

Where have the large coral colonies gone?

Recently I came across a box of slides and began looking at the shots of the many tanks I had seen over the years and several things stood out. I have been fortunate to see a lot of tanks and…

Reef Rescuers Webinar with Dr. Phanor H. Montoya-Maya

In this webinar presented by Reef Resilience, Dr. Phanor H Montoya-Maya discusses the effectiveness of a large-scale coral restoration project in Seychelles, restoring coral reef ecosystem services, and building reef resilience and resistance to bleaching. In 1998 coral bleaching in…

Testing: Nano-Bubbles

Recently, the folks in my area got enamored with the topic of “nano?bubbles” for the reef tank. Being a curious engineer and avid tinkerer of tanks, I jumped right in to test it for myself. So what are nano?bubbles and…

Fluorescent Friday: World Wide Corals edition

For our previous installment of Fluorescent Friday we focused in on WWC’s famous ‘Grafted’ orange and green Montipora capricornis but today, we check out some of their other bangin’ corals with a fluorescent filter. World Wide Corals is one of the undisputed global…

Coral Restoration In Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

For over a decade the Puntacana Foundation has been safeguarding the future of Dominican reefs with an underwater Coral Restoration nursery. Beneath the waves thousands of staghorn coral fragments grow on custom built frames before they are harvested in a effort to repopulate the…