Watch How Expedition Reef Visualization Was Made At The California Academy of Sciences

Expedition Reef Visualization Go behind the scenes with the California Academy of Sciences to see how they creating this ultra-realistic coral reef. The visual will be used in for the digital planetarium show exploring some of our planet’s most biodiverse—and critically threatened—ecosystems.…

Cozumel Coral Reef Restoration Program
Cozumel Coral Reef Restoration Program Last week I have the pleasure of visiting the Cozumel Coral Reef Restoration Program run by Germán Méndez. Over the past 40 years, parts of the reef in Cozumel have seen an 80% decline in coral…
Fiji Rock & Coral Ban Officially Withdrawn

During the waning hours of December 28th, with virtually all other offices closed for the holiday and new years break, the Fiji Ministry of Fisheries and Forrests placed an immediate ban on all exports of live rock and corals. This…

Historical Photograph of One of the Oldest Wild Coral Transplants

Humans have wondered about and been fascinated by corals on wild corals since long before we were keeping and growing them in our home aquariums. Their skeletons have long been a source of beauty, with many species forming semi-precious materials…

Turbocharge your BLUE Stony Corals with 370nm UV Spotlights

The vast majority of reefers reading this definitely don’t need a specialized spotlight for exotic ultraviolet spectrum – but since when is the reefing hobby one of necessity? However if you’re interested in getting the sickest blue coloration from SPS…

Illlumagic LED Lights get ‘Certified’ for lighting Australian Acros
Cairns Marine is well known as one of the most prolific sources of shallow water Acropora from Australia and the Great Barrier Reef. For five years now Cairns Marine has been using the robust light fixtures from Illumagic to light…
Building my Last Reef Tank

As the year winds down we tend to look back on our failures and successes and the major events of the year, as well as ahead to the things that we want to accomplish and what we are looking forward…

Top 10 New Corals of 2017

Over the last 15 years aquarium corals have gone from simple brownish or greenish shades to ostentatious colors which would have seemed unimaginable in the early days of reefkeeping. With all the progress that we’ve made it’s hard to imagine…

Making The Hobby Fun (And Keeping it that way)

I admit it, I am still a big kid at heart. And this time of year I often show this side of my personality in many ways. I still find fun, in just about everything this time of year. I…

Quick Guide To Branching Caribbean Corals

Branching Corals Quick Guide We get it, you’re busy and don’t have time to sit around sifting through books or perusing our Guide to Caribbean Corals. So we made this quick guide to branching corals so you can easily identify Caribbean species at…