Coral Facts, Coral Reef Thrive in Nutrient Poor Water !

Being in the water educating people about coral reef, there are question or idea that are often difficult to apprehend for non marine biologist peoples, and we often have to find ways to answer these in a simple manner. One…

Kobe Reef – Coral Spotting in Weda, Halmahera

Kobe Reef Halmahera Kobe Reef is a turbid sheltered reef slope located five minutes boat ride south of the Weda Reef & Rainforest dive resort. The reef is named after the local village ‘Kobe’ which is just in front of…

We Asked Rich Horner About Plastic In The Marine Environment

Plastic In The Marine Environment Two months ago, Rich Horner filmed himself swimming through a sea of plastic debris. Within a few weeks his video went viral and soon the whole world was talking about plastic waste invading the tropical…

We Removed A Ghost Net From Nusa Lembongan And It Got A Little Spooky!

Ghost Nets Do you believe in ghost nets? When it comes to destructive marine debris, nothing is quite as ominous as the dreaded ghost net. The term ghost net described fishing nets which have been lost at sea drifting in…

Jalan Masuk – Coral Spotting in Northern Sulawesi

Jalan Masuk Jalan Masuk is a dive site in Bunaken National Park south of Bunaken Island. The dive site is located between the Lekuan 2 and Lekuan 3 site near the entrance of the part. Jalan Masuk is Indonesian for…

See The Reef With New Eyes – Presentation in Nusa Lembongan – May 3rd

See The Reef With New Eyes Are you interested to learn more about coral diversity from the Indo Pacific? Join us this week where we will be giving a live presentation at the Yoga Shack in Nusa Lembongan. If you…

Batas Kota City Border – Coral Spotting in Northern Sulawesi

Batas Kota – Coral Spotting Batas Kota is an incredible coral spotting dive site on the border of Manado city. The site is located a five-minute boat ride from the Murex Manado Resort along the coastline of Manado Bay. While…

Stumbling on the Holy Grail of UW Photographer…

Now that we are in Bali, yesterday we decided to go the diving some of the close by, classic eastern cost dive site. We headed to Pandang Bai… This place is quite famous for white sand macro, and we knew…

Circus Reef – Coral Spotting in Northern Sulawesi

Circus Reef – Northern Sulawesi The Circus dive site is located along the coastline, about 30 minutes west of the Murex Manado resort. The dive starts with a sandy slope covered in chocolate chip starfish and tufts of seagrass. As…

Snapshots of My Own Personal Reef and Planted Tanks

If there’s one thing that you should know about me by now, it’s that I really really love aquariums, especially my own tanks. I miss them when I’m traveling, even if for just a few days. There’s a webcam setup to…