What Is A Corallite?

Corallite Looking through my pictures I realized I am started to get quite the collection of macro shots of Acropora corals. One thing that is really incredible about these close up images is we are able to see the corallite,…

Colossal Coral Colonies Found In Halmahera Indonesia

Colossal Coral Colonies Unless you have a 1000+ gallon aquarium and are growing a single species of coral it’s unlikely you would have seen corals get anywhere near this size. Even for wild colonies, the corals in Halmahera are left…

How To Grow The Most INTENSE Purple Rim Monti Cap

The purple rim Leng Sy cap is one of the most desirable and recognizable coral strains in the hobby of SPS reef keeping. Like zebra plecos and peppermint angelfish, images of the purple rim cap have been plastered on the…

Reef Reboot Check-In #2: No Water Changes for a Year!

Has it been 2 years since my last check in? It sure has. Last time I wrote an update, I was losing Acropora to a mysterious cause. I think now it was due to overdoing it with bacterial additives the…

Gorango Reef – Coral Spotting in Weda, Halmahera

Gorango Reef Gorango reef is a long underwater ridge running parallel to the northern coastline of Weda Bay. The reef is divided into three dive sites following the contours of the ridge and sloping pinnacles. The dive sites are Gorango Obesar,…

Learn About Corals From Ocean Gardener In Bali Indonesia
Ocean Gardener Do you want to learn more about coral biology, coral farming, and coral restoration? Ocean Gardener is now offering guided and attended snorkeling tours of their coral farm located on the island of Bali Indonesia. Join Ocean Gardener…
WATCH: How To Grow Coral From Coral Spawning – SciFri and Georgia Aquarium

SciFri and scientist from the Georgia aquarium show us how they are raising Caribbean Acropora corals from gametes collected during spawning events. Once gametes are fertilized planula larvae are either release back onto the reef to settle and grow or brought…

Halmahera Indonesia Is The Center Of Coral Diversity

Halmahera Indonesia We’ve just spent a week diving in the northern province of Maluku Indonesia around the island of Halmahera, and to say we found the coral reef of our dreams is an understatement. Now we are excited to share…

See The Reef With New Eyes – 3W Dive Gili Air May 29th

See The Reef With New Eyes Are you interested to learn more about coral diversity from the Indo Pacific? Join us this week where we will be giving a live presentation at the 3W Dive Center on the island of Gili…

See The Reef With New Eyes – Girls That Scuba Gili Trawangan May 30th

See The Reef With New Eyes Are you interested to learn more about coral diversity from the Indo Pacific? Join us this week where we will be giving a live presentation at the Girls The Scuba Day on the island…