Friday Smorgasbord: We got crabs edition

Hard to believe this is the last Friday Smorgasbord of the summer. Before we break into our horrible karaoke version of “Summer Nights” from Grease, we’ll just pass the baton to our latest Friday Smorgasbord full of crabs….  Take off…

MACNA 2019 will be in Orlando, Florida

This year’s MACNA in Las Vegas in just over a week away but we’ve just received confirmation on next year’s host city. MACNA 2019 will be in sunny Orlando Florida, a location which had a smashing successful MACNA as recently…

New Research Shows Zooxanthellae are Older than Dinosaurs

Symbiotic zooxanthellae are the backbone of tropical reefs built by photosynthetic corals. Therefore understanding how zooxanthellae ‘works’ and how different they are is paramount to understanding how coral reefs work as an ecosystem, and how they can adapt to a…

Diving With Her Deepness Dr. Sylvia Earle – And Euphyllia Reef We Must Protect!

Diving With Her Deepness Dr. Sylvia Earle You know you’re on the right path when an invitation arrives to guide a dive for the one and only Dr. Sylvia Earle! Last month while diving in Northern Sulawesi during the Celebrate…

Extreme Low Tide At Bangka Island Exposes Corals To Air, And They Survive!

Low Tide Corals Extreme tidal variations happen each month during what is known as a spring tide. This tidal phase happens twice each lunar month and the big swing in tidal heights occurs closes to the new moon. The second…

Arachnanthus lilith, A New Species of Tube Anemone from the Red Sea

Fish, corals and giant clams get the lion’s share of the attention in our reef tanks but there’s a whole world of interesting anemones we’ve yet to collectively get to know. Not to mention all the new species of anemones that…

EasyTank Is an ATO For Tiny & Nano Reefs

If you’ve never heard of a ‘glug jug’ then you are lucky to be experiencing reef tanks in our current golden age. But back in the olden days, well before there were any top off devices besides mechanical float valves,…

Beginners Guide To ‘Cycling’ A Saltwater Aquarium

Nitrogen Cycle For Saltwater Aquariums No we don’t mean strapping your tank to a bike and taking it for a spin! Cycling your saltwater aquarium is a critical process all aquariums must endure before they are ready to be populated with…

Cobalt Aquatics adds six new filter media perfect for saltwater aquariums

Digging a little deeper into the new Cobalt Aquatics Total Reef filter media we covered yesterday, we noticed it was one of nine types of new filter media they unveiled recently. Of the nine, six that are designed for use…

New Cobalt Aquatics Total Reef Rechargeable Filter Media

Cobalt Aquatics Total Reef is one of the company’s newest additions to its line of filter media products. The “total” package is aimed to remove organics, phosphates, nitrates, and silicates from reef systems. A big plus is the media is…