Ghostly White Sailfin Tang Could be the First of its Kind!

The first white sailfin tang came to us not as a tiny minnow but as a nearly full-grown adult Zebrasoma veliferum. This shocker of a fish specimen was shared by RVS Fishworld who is no stranger to fishing up aberrant…

Blue Phantom Angelfish Hybrid Announced by Poma Labs

The Blue Phantom Angelfish is a new domestically captive bred hybrid from Poma Labs which has an insane amount of potential as an exciting new aquarium fish. Resulting from the cross between a blue line angelfish, Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis, and the…

Rare Solid Orange Coral Beauty Angelfish Collected in Phillipines

Solid Orange Coral Beauty Angelfish are a sort of ‘known’ rarity but that doesn’t make them any less spectacular when they do arise. This latest all orange Centropyge bispinosa comes to us from the Philippines via RVS Fishworld and it’s a…

Hockey Stick Tomato Clownfish Found in the Philippines

The ‘hockey stick’ tomato clownfish is an interesting new aberrant clownfish recently collected by RVS Fishworld in the Philippines. It’s been a good long while since the prolific seas of this area of the Coral Triangle has fished up a…

First of its Kind Aberrant Flagfin Angelfish Discovered in Philippines

In the world of aberrant marine fish, the angelfish are some of the most interesting and noteworthy, and of the angelfish, it’s predominantly the pygmy angelfish that appear the most often. This is why today’s example is a real surprise…

This is What Healthy Quarantined & Conditioned Fish Look Like [Video]

Several weeks ago we received a truly epic shipment of fish from RVS Fishworld and Coast Tropicals. The unboxing of these awesome fish, and my live reaction at this overwhelming bounty was captured on video in which I shared my shock…

Unboxing the Motherlode of Rare and Exotic Fish [video]

For years we’ve wrote about, photographed and filmed some of the rarest tropical reef fish in the world, often by visiting the right marinelife dealers, reefs or private tanks. One of the biggest reasons for the Reef Builders Studio is…

Papua New Guinea Fish & Corals Coming Summer 2019

Papua New Guinea has long been a hotspot for biological diversity on land and especially in the Sea. Taxonomists of every discipline always find new species when they search PNG’s natural environments, birders marvel at the endemic birds of paradise,…

‘Black’ Regal Angelfish is one of the Wildest Specimens Ever

The iconic appearance of the regal angelfish is so recognizable across its wide range that it is one of the visual ambassadors for coral reefs. Since its appearance is so conservative and it has no closely related species with which…

Tiger Angelfish Hybrid Collected in Madagascar

If the tiger angelfish is the Holy Grail of marine angelfish species then we’re going to have to come up with something else to describe the new hybrid tiger angelfish. This new specimen of the tiger angelfish is only the second…