Radion Gen 5 Blue & Pro, XR30 & XR15, the Definitive Review

The Radion Gen 5 LED lights are some of the most technologically advanced LED lighting fixtures ever offered to the reef aquarium hobby. If these Ecotech Marine lights had just come out of nowhere, we would be gobsmacked at their…

The World Wide Corals 900 Gallon Show Tank 3+ years later

There is a saying that time does not pass, it continues. We originally did an article that we published way back in November 2014 called “A masterpiece is born: time lapse aquascaping of World Wide Corals’ new show tank” Now…

Top 10 New Corals of 2017

Over the last 15 years aquarium corals have gone from simple brownish or greenish shades to ostentatious colors which would have seemed unimaginable in the early days of reefkeeping. With all the progress that we’ve made it’s hard to imagine…

Making The Hobby Fun (And Keeping it that way)

I admit it, I am still a big kid at heart. And this time of year I often show this side of my personality in many ways. I still find fun, in just about everything this time of year. I…

Some Of Jason Fox’s Personal Favorite Corals

In the United States Jason Fox’s name has become synonymous with very unique and collectable corals. If that’s what you’re into, then visiting Jason’s own tanks is like visiting a boutique of fine coral shopping and propagation. I had the…

Some Of My Favorite SPS Corals

When visitors come to see my tanks and realize that the tanks are full of live coral one of the questions I get frequently asked is “So what’s your favorite coral?” To me that is akin to asking me, who…

How to grow the most colorful SPS corals

During the course of history men have always searched for the unobtainable. The knights of King Arthur searched for the Holy Grail, Captain Ahab obsessed about a white whale, in similar fashion we hobbyists have been searching for how to…

The Fragging Phenomenon Part Deux

In 1992, I wrote my first article on the fragmenting of corals, fragging for short. At that time fragging corals was primarily done on soft corals and was done more out of the necessity to preserve the corals we had,…

The Reefer’s Code formally explained by Mike Paletta

The following article is a contribution from Mike Paletta to bring attention to an unspoken yet very important rule of reefing and sharing corals among friends, the Reefers Code. I was lucky this year to be invited to give a talk…

Cycloseris boschmai is the smallest free living disc coral to date

There’s a new species of Cycloseris on the block and this one is distinguished by how small it remains. Growing up to only two inches (50mm) in diameter, Cyloseris boschmai was recently, finally described after more than three decades of…