Flashing Blue Tang Can’t Decide its Coloration

The flashing blue tang is a very unusual specimen of Paracanthurus hepatus which is unlike any surgeonfish, or any other fish we’ve encountered save for one. This strongly aberrant individual is mostly normal in the front half of the body but…

Hyper Yellow Swissguard Basslet Lands at Abyss Aquatic Warehouse

The swissguard basslet, Liopropoma rubre, is a gorgeous Caribbean basslet that mostly gets overshadowed by the candy basslet and other deeper living species, but not this one. Liopropoma basslets are already pretty enough but it’s actually very rare to see unusual…

RVS Fishworld Collected The Most Misbarred Regal Angelfish to Date

Regal angelfish are a unique and singular species in their own genus so they don’t have any close relatives with which to hybridize, but they do offer fanciers their own kind of ‘shiny pokemon‘ to keep a lookout for. With…

A Spectrum of Xanthic Eibli Angelfish from Reef Pro

The xanthic aberration of some pygmy angelfish is a mystery that has puzzled exotic saltwater aquarists for years and the rabbit hole is about to get a whole lot deeper. Recently a number of very interesting Centropyge eibli were collected from the…

This Yellow Scopas Koi is Turning Into a Dirty Bird

Rare fish fanciers will probably be well aware of the large aberrant Zebrasoma scopas that are frequently collected in the Maldives and in western Indonesia that are known as Koi Scopas tangs in the aquarium hobby. But it is less…

Rare and Unusual Orange Centropyge multispinis Photographed in Maldives

One of the most interesting aspects of the beloved angelfish is how often we encounter unusual morphs and aberrations of their typical color pattern, resulting in rare specimens with an appearance that we’ve never seen before. Some species of Centropyge…

Maldivian Koi tang comes with valuable catch information

For every aberrant koi tang we feature here at Reef Builders, we’re bombarded by about six more from around the globe. To the point where we weren’t even going to feature this fish, based just on its looks and high…

Rare White Panda Mimic Tang Discovered in the Philippines

RVS Fishworld needs to tap on the brakes a little bit because they’re fishing up hybrid and aberrant fish so often they’re starting to make them seem common! Just last week we had to agglomerate four different oddballs into a…

Picasso Sailfin Tang is a Desjardini, not a Veliferum!

The Picasso Sailfin Tang is the first of its kind, an aberrant Red Sea Sailfin Tang, that has just made its way to America. Virtually all of the aberrant Zebrasoma ‘Koi’, ‘Piebald’ and ‘Tricolor’ tangs have all been scopas tangs, Z. scopas,…

Bali Aquarich Creates Two New hybrid Angelfish!

In our recent visit to Bali aquarich, we were greeted again with two new hybrid varieties of pygmy Angelfish. It looks like this place is an hybrid factory, every month comes with its share of new fish. Since Mr Su…