How To Identify 20 Stony Corals From Indonesia

Often scuba divers focus on tiny critters, schools of fish, or jumbo-sized creatures like whales, dolphins, and sharks. This leaves corals to get lumped together under a single term ‘coral reef’ which is far too general to describe the hundreds of individual…

Well Hello! White Yellow Tang

A beautiful and wild Zebrasoma Codename: ‘Cheddar’ Hawaii has become somewhat known for producing outstanding aberrantly marked Zebrasoma tangs on occasion, and ‘Cheddar’ here is no exception. Two other very notable white tangs ‘Casper’ and ‘Powder’, both had originally grown…

Sinuorota is a Completely New Genus Of Disc Corals!

Sinuorota is a completely new genus of disc coral which was just created for one very standout species, Cycloseris hexagonalis. It’s no secret that disc corals of the Fungiidae coral family are extremely diverse and interesting, but it turns out that…

I Saw A White Bicolor Angelfish And It Was Magical

When I traveled from Sydney to Cairns to visit Cairns Marine, I knew I’d be treated to see some very neat rare fish, and some juicy corals. But as luck would have it, the fish collecting crew brought in something…

Can Corals Adapt To Warmer Oceans? This Scientist Is On A Mission To Find The Answer

Can Corals Adapt? Katherine Dziedzic, a PhD student from Oregon State University (OSU), is looking at how corals can adapt to climate change. To understand how corals adapt to warmer ocean temperatures, she is looking at the DNA and RNA…

How to Arrange your Corals Based on your Lighting

There are tons of choices when it comes to lighting in this hobby and depending on when and how you got into the hobby, it may tell what kind of lighting you have. Lighting is essential for the health of…

Some Refreshingly Exotic LPS Corals From Pacific East Aquaculture

At any given time in the marine aquarium hobby, the community’s attention tends to focus one a particular group of corals, hyping up their demand and balooning their prices. This phenomenon is a double edged sword in that right now,…

Two Crazy Piebald Scopas Tang Join The World Wide Corals Family

Aberrant, tricolor and piebald scopas tangs are among the most highly coveted exotic reef fish. World Wide Corals definitely help the movement along with their world-famous white tang Casper, and now they’ve added a couple more gems to their Zebrasoma family. …

Couple of Great Homophyllia australis at World Wide Corals

Homophyllia might have taken over as the name for Scolymia but that doesn’t mean we’ve lost any love for the ‘Australis’ doughnut coral. Hundreds of these corals are exported from Australia every week, and by and large, every single one of…

World Wide Corals is The Disneyland of Coral Frags

Everyone has seen the scene in a Western movie where the gunslinger walks into the dark saloon and the light from outside is so blinding that no one can really make him out. This week I had a similar experience,…