Ever since we posted our first story about a ‘Japanese Style Reef Tank’ almost 12 years ago we’ve been asked very often what exactly qualifies as a Japanese Style. We’ve yet to really be able to come up with a…
Search Results For: Acropora millepora
Transfer Your Freshwater Skills And Setup Your First Saltwater Aquarium
Making the switch from freshwater to a saltwater aquarium is easier than you think. If you already have the skills to maintain a freshwater aquarium you only need to familiarize yourself with a few new techniques, additives, and saltwater aquarium…
Indonesian Cultured Coral Exports will Resume Next Week!
After a nearly two year hiatus, next week Indonesian coral farmers will once again be able to export their cultured corals. Following a long process that started with the re-election of president Jokowi in spring, then in September a new…
The World Wide Corals 900 Gallon Show Tank 3+ years later
There is a saying that time does not pass, it continues. We originally did an article that we published way back in November 2014 called “A masterpiece is born: time lapse aquascaping of World Wide Corals’ new show tank” Now…
Guide to Caribbean Coral Identification
Working On Early Life History Stages Of Corals
ReefStock Pulled Out All The Stops For Its 10th Year
After having been to and spoken at virtually every reef show that has occurred in North America over the past 30 years I may be a bit jaded in terms of what I expect at a…
Milestones & Pioneers of The Reef Aquarium Hobby
Between the inauguration last week and Martin Luther King Day, you could not turn on anything without hearing the phrase “Events that shaped history”. That got me to thinking about the events that shaped the reef aquarium hobby. While I…
Survival of the Fittest of Aquarium Corals
To paraphrase what Charles Darwin wrote approximately 150 years ago, survival of the fittest is the process of natural selection that allows living things to have the greatest likelihood for producing successful copies of itself in the future. So I’m guessing…